An incredible woman making a difference in her community

Meet Gail Jett.

Gail was born in Santa Barbara, California, and grew up in north San Diego county. She became an RN in 1974 and then became a Nurse Practitioner in 1980 through Sonoma State University. Nurse practitioner training was essentially in its infancy during that time, but Gail loved being a pioneer. Two things stood out for her during her training there:

1) A physician/professor said: “If you will give a patient 20 minutes to talk, they will tell you what is wrong with them.” People need to be truly authentically heard. This struck home for her.

2) Her training emphasized true preventative care- of the body, the mind, and the spirit. Gail has never forgotten this. Gail and her husband moved to Bend, Oregon in 1999, and she has enjoyed a 40 year career as a Nurse Practitioner. She has worked in a variety of medical settings in the community and is board certified as an Advanced Holistic Nurse.

In 2007 she stumbled upon the work of Donna Eden at a weekend workshop. Donna is the founder of Eden Energy Medicine and the Eden Method. What Gail learned and experienced at this workshop forever changed the focus of her career. Eden Energy Medicine has a strong foundation based on ancient Chinese medicine, which along with other ancient traditions, believe that disease begins in the energy field surrounding the body. Gail took the two-year certification program in Eden Energy Medicine as well as the advanced certifications and the teacher trainings. She decided to bring this work into her nursing practice so then pursued her training as an LMT at COCC, becoming licensed in 2011. In 2018 she obtained her Doctorate of Theology in Pastoral Integrative healthcare from Holos University Graduate Seminary. In addition, she is faculty for the Eden Energy Medicine certification program and also teaches community education classes through a variety of local venues.

Gail is a lifelong student and seeker of truth and empowerment for all. She is very well versed in the evidence based research and science behind energy healing and welcomes the chance to share this with everyone. Gail is a true master in her craft, and a passionate and devoted teacher and practitioner. She is trained in several aspects of energy healing: The Eden Method of Energy Medicine, Biofield Tuning, Reiki, and most recently is pursuing additional training through Energy Medicine Specialists. Gail is also a student of the United States Constitution and American history.

Gail’s passion is to empower people to have effective, powerful tools to help improve their health and energy; particularly with our changing conventional health care environment. Energy medicine has the potential to truly be “preventative”; a concept in short supply in today’s health care challenges.

We are beyond fortunate to offer a few of her outstanding courses at our online school, as well as some collaborative projects in the making to be offered later in 2024. She offer an array of Energy courses, as well as personal Energy Medicine appointments, and consults to those in her community. For more information you can visit her website at

Or email her at

Thank you for all you do in the community Gail. We appreciate you.


A True Master of her Craft